
Sunday, March 20, 2011

CHAPTER 2 Challenge - Week 3: Hall of Doors

"There was not a moment to be lost: away went Alice like the wind, and was just in time to hear it say, as it turned a corner, `Oh my ears and whiskers, how late it's getting!' She was close behind it when she turned the corner, but the Rabbit was no longer to be seen: she found herself in a long, low hall, which was lit up by a row of lamps hanging from the roof.

There were doors all round the hall, but they were all locked; and when Alice had been all the way down one side and up the other, trying every door, she walked sadly down the middle, wondering how she was ever to get out again."
     -- Chapter 1, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
This month's challenge is to use a door or doors, and preferably for the door or doors to open and close so we can see what lays beyond! While it is not required that your project include Alice in Wonderland, we do encourage it. If your project features Wonderland you will get two chances in the prize drawing instead of one!

HURRY UP and get you entry in! You have until this Friday and  our winner will be announced next Sunday! You can make it as simple or complex as you like, just feature a door and link it on the Week 1 post for this challenge!
The Octopode Factory is our March sponsor! We are celebrating because Lily has moved into the world of rubber! That's right - RUBBER STAMPS! Most of the digital images we will be using are those that are now available in rubber,
One lucky winner will win a $30 gift certificate for digital images from The Octopode Factory's Etsy store! Enter by Friday, March 25 at 8 p.m. Eastern time (GMT -5:00) and a winner will be announced on Sunday, March 27. While we'd love to see your Octopode, you can use stamps from any company on your creations, so show us your DOORS!

And now for some inspiration from The Altered Alice and Octopode Factory design teams!

Lynne Phelps of Savvy Sisters Studio started with an 11 x 14 inch canvas panel to create this fantasy scene with both the Alice in Wonderland set plus the new Alice Elements. The background was covered with embossed black paper that had fluid chalk ink pads brushed across the high points.  

Now we see Alice looking out from the hall of doors into the garden of Wonderland, wondering if she will every get out! You know I am crazy about coloring, so please stop by my blog to see closeup photos and leave a comment!

Terri DeVine of DeVine Designs created this wonderful hinged door with a big Alice eye on the sign that tells us we are about to enter the Wonderland!  Inside are some beatuifully colored characters:

Be sure to stop by Terri's blog to see a bunch more pictures of this gem, and to leave her a comment!

Donna of Meme's Art Place created a magical little mini-book featuring many Wonderland characters, all set off on embossed woodgrain panels! I love the way we can see through the big keyhole into the world beyond!

Our keyhole cover looks through to a Cheshire Cat panel with its own lock! I love the way we see the embossed and debossed side of the embossed woodgrain

Isn't this fantastic?  Be sure to stop by Donna's blog and leave her a comment about her whimsical mini-book creation! I love the way we end with Alice still in the hall of doors, which explains why none of the Wonderland characters have been able to find her yet!

LINK YOUR CREATIONS BY THIS FRIDAY for a chance to win a fantastic Octopode Factory gift certificate, AND a chance to be in the "honorable mentions" on our winners post next Sunday!


  1. Fabulous projects! They are so creative!

  2. Oh!!! these are just breathtaking! (and to be honest, a little intimidating, LOL) Seriously GORGEOUS work ladies! xxD

  3. Fantastic creations, and I so want to join in with this one, but there's no time, no time.


THANKS so much for participating in the experience that is THE ALTERED ALICE!!! Your comments mean the world to me, so thanks in advance for taking the time!