
Sunday, April 3, 2011

CHAPTER 3 Challenge - Week 1: Alice Colors of Blue and Yellow!

"Mr. Tenniel is the only artist, who has drawn for me, who has resolutely refused to use a model, and declared he no more needed one than I should need a multiplication table to work a mathematical problem! I venture to think that he was mistaken and that for want of a model, he drew several pictures of "Alice" entirely out of proportion - head decidedly too large and feet decidedly too small."
-- From a letter by Lewis Carroll (pseudonym of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson)
Although the stories were written for and inspired by the brunette Alice Liddell, when it came time for Tenniel to create the illustrations, Carroll sent him a photo of blonde Mary Hilton-Badcock as his image of what Alice should look like. Early color illustrations of Alice show a girl with long blonde hair, wearing either a blue dress with a white pinafore, or a yellow dress with a blue and white pinafore.

Therefore, our challenge this month is to create something that is predominantly blue and yellow, the colors associated with Alice! Although it is not required that you use Wonderland in your project, those that do feature Wonderland will receive two chances at the drawing instead of one! Enter by Friday, April 22 at 8 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time (GMT -4:00) and the winner will be posted sometime on Sunday, April 24.

Our April sponsor is Aritistic Outpost, makers of fabulous rubber art stamp sets including the Wonderland Collage set that will be featured by our design team. The Artistic Outpost design team will be playing along as well! One lucky winner will receive a $14 gift certificate to the Artistic Outpost store.

The Artistic Outpost's full line of vintage inspired art stamps are sold in unmounted themed collections. All the unmounted sets are $14, so the winner will be able to select the set of their choice. They also offer several collections pre-cut and mounted on cling foam. Be sure to visit their blog for frequent udates, ideas, and inspiration from Artistic Outpost and their talented design team. I have used their stamps and the fine-line detail they are able to achieve in their rubber art stamps is truly outstanding!

Your Weekly Inspiration

Tracy Evans shows her enjoyment of various techniques with these lovingly crafted cards! On her Alice card, she played on the beautiful flower border in the stamped image and created her own flowered background with masked screens and paint, muted with coats of thin gesso! The stamped layered flowers carry on the theme. Love the big bit of bling in Alice's crown!

Tracy took her cue from the clock background in the stamp and recreated a similar background with masks, paint, muted with gesso. Love all the detail with the watch faces!

Notice how subtle the stamped rabbit in the background is after being muted with thin layers of paint and gesso! It adds so much interest. The stitching adds the perfect finishing touch! Please be sure to visit Tracy's blog for all the details, and leave her some love!

Lynne Phelps of Savvy Sisters Studio also used her favorite techniques that show her love of detail: Copic coloring, embossed layers and a pretty ribbon bow! The detail on these collage stamps is exquisite and made for fun coloring!

The Alice collage stamp features a fabulous border of flowers, colored in all different shades of blue and yellow. The crown and necklace are accented with a glitter pen.

The wonderful White Rabbit collage stamp is so finely detailed and interesting! The White Rabbit was stamped and colored a second time and cut out and popped up to add dimension. Please visit Lynne's blog to see more photos and all the details on how she made these cards, and of course to leave her a comment!

Enter by Friday, April 22 at 8 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time (GMT -4:00) and the winner will be posted sometime on Sunday, April 24. Remember to link to your individual blog post that shows the project, not just the home page of your blog.

Please leave a comment before you go - let us know how you like the design team inspiration and the great prize offered by our sponsor, Artistic Outpost!


  1. Oh boy and I have that stamp set! Think I will play here for the first time! Sounds like fun and such great inspiration from the DT!

  2. All the projects are wonderful! I can't wait to get started on this!

  3. The possibilities of this challenge are endless, and the inspiration posted makes me want to get going right now!

  4. Great samples ladies, so glad AO could be a part of this!

  5. Hi, ladys!
    I'm a brazilian scrapper and I want to begin participation in your challenge!
    I loved the inspirations and the prize!!!
    See you soon!

  6. Gorgeous examples for this fabulous challenge! I so love the extra tidbits about Alice, too. xxD

  7. Just got my first look at the stamps over at Artistic Outpost! Outrageously fantastic! My list is long of sets I want! Hope to get a chance to participate this time around! Thanks!

  8. Fantastic samples, and I have an idea brewing at the back of my mind :)

  9. I love this blog and it gives me such inspiration :-)

  10. uaau Já vou providenciar minha participação!

  11. I've just found your blog and it's great.
    xxx Hazel.

  12. The design team projects are absolutely wonderful. It was, in the end quite an inspirational colour choice.

    Thank you all, for your inspiring work!!!!!!!!!
    All lovely to look at.
    Sue x

  13. espero poder participar com outro carimbo que não seja da outpost,
    que vou adquiri-los em breve como fiz do ultimo desafio que adquiri da Octopode!

    beijos beijos

  14. A wonderful challenge again. Thanks :)

  15. I always have so much fun playing along with these challenges! Awesome work everyone!


THANKS so much for participating in the experience that is THE ALTERED ALICE!!! Your comments mean the world to me, so thanks in advance for taking the time!