
Sunday, February 27, 2011

CHAPTER 1 Challenge Winner & Honorable Mentions!

Winner: Julie Haelemeersch
Blog: Aisling's Hobby Blog - Queen of Hearts Gothic Arch
Location: Belgium

The challenge to make something that features a dress form, OR to make something that changes in form, is over!  Projects that featured Wonderland were given two chances in the prize drawing instead of one to win a fabulous prize from Stampotique Originals!
STAMPOTIQUE ORIGINALS is very generously giving our lucky winner a $30 gift certificate!

But first, we are going to leave you with a little more inspiration from the design team! We had so many great Stampotique and other projects that we could not fit everything into the previous weeks.

First off, Donna of Meme's Art Place turned Stampotique's Moth Fab stamp into a mannequin by substituting a lampost base for her legs! I love the warm rich colors and the black really adds drama and grounds the card at the same time. LOVE the way she curled the corner on the background paper, The fun eyelash yarn and trim adds great texture, and the flower is FAB too!

Don't you love the way Donna has displayed this gem on a wire dress form?

Terri DeVine of DeVine Designs by Terri created a WONDERful never-ending card! Have you seen these? They are really magical! The black card is covered with sponged panels of patterned paper and images on gold edged mats. The images are all Disney from free coloring book pages. Terri's coloring with Copics is gorgeous; do you see the woodgrain she drew in on that door? Fantastic. You need to go to her blog to see sharp pictures of every panel and to leave her a comment on this accomplishment! You can't get the real genius of this until you see the never-ending card in motion, ever changing form:

The quotes are from Tweety Jill's Quotes set, and the one on the front is so appropriate for this card: "Begin at the beginning, and go on till you come to the end: then stop."

This is the second Stampotique project from Lynne Phelps of Savvy Sisters Studios and features the Giant Shroom and the Mushroom Group. I LOVE those Stampotique mushrooms! I want to use them on everything, they are so Alice! For all the details and to leave a comment, please visit my blog!

The Winner

Julie Haelemeersch of Aisling's Hobby Blog created our randomly selected winning entry! I know she will be thrilled to win the $30 gift certificate from STAMPOTIQUE ORIGINALS as her fun off-with-her-head spinner card features a Stampotique image! This card would have been in the honorable mentions if it hadn't won the drawing! I love arched cards, I love the colors, and the whole scene is wonderful.  Julie, please contact me from my email link in the left column.

Honorable Mentions
There were so many amazing projects submitted this month. I want to thank everyone who participated, and I would like to encourage you to go through ALL the links on the Week 1 challenge post, they are ALL wonderful!  I will just highlight some here that really caught my fancy:

I absolutely ADORE this card from Brenda Brown of Bumblebees and Butterflies!  The colors and the textures and all the details are so appealing to me, but take a closer look.  Brenda performed some digital surgery and we now have a mad-hatted rabbit!

Be sure to check out Brenda's blog post where she shows you all the individual images before she merged them into this picture!

Susan Allen of Little Imperfections created this wonderful "Alice shall go to the ball." mini-album storybook - the wrong story, LOL!!!  Be sure to actually read the story shown in the pictures, it is really funny and charming and so creative!

I love the ruff of dresses on this great collage from Love of Collage. All the bright colors are so wonderful and I love the journaling!

All of the entries were so great that I could go on and on. Instead I will leave you until next week when we begin our March Challenge.

A special thanks so Stampotique, our wonderful sponsor! Please leave a comment before you go!



  1. Again, the work of the design team is absolutely fabulous. Also congratulations to the people wo received a honourable mention: all 3 projects are amazing. And I'm absolutely thrilled about being the random winner, for stamopotique rules. Thanks a lot! Now I'm off to have a look at everyone's creations.

  2. Wow. I love seeing all the creations on this blog. Truly a wonderful group of cards and ATC's. Everyone is so very talented. And yes, I do like how the card was showcased on the dress form.

  3. Lynne -

    What wonderful works of art by everyone! It is so nice to see everyone's take on the challenge. Congratulations to the winner.

    Elaine Allen

  4. I feel very honoured to receive a special mention, thankyou so much. This was a great challenge and really appealed to me. Congratulations to the winner and everyone else. Looking forward to the next one.
    luv and hugs {brenda} xoxox

  5. well done Julie I liked the way the head popped off..thanks for including my journal page..looking forward to the next challenge now

  6. Congrats to the winner and everyone for entering! Love the blog and will actually join in next time! Hi to the other Charli!

  7. A huge congrats to the winners! Such fabulous and inspring projects! The creativity here astounds me! xxD


THANKS so much for participating in the experience that is THE ALTERED ALICE!!! Your comments mean the world to me, so thanks in advance for taking the time!