"So she sat on, with closed eyes, and half believed herself in Wonderland, though she knew she had but to open them again, and all would change to dull reality--the grass would be only rustling in the wind, and the pool rippling to the waving of the reeds--the rattling teacups would change to tinkling sheep- bells, and the Queen's shrill cries to the voice of the shepherd boy--and the sneeze of the baby, the shriek of the Gryphon, and all thy other queer noises, would change (she knew) to the confused clamour of the busy farm-yard--while the lowing of the cattle in the distance would take the place of the Mock Turtle's heavy sobs." -- Chapter 12, Alice's Adventures in WonderlandChanges are coming for The Altered Alice. Due to pressures of work and other pesky distractions, our last regularly scheduled challenge will begin on May 12. So this week we are sponsor-free and the design team members are sharing any projects they like that show their love of Alice.
I invite you to do the same and show us your love of Wonderland. You may enter older projects for this challenge only. Enter by the end of June to share the best of your Wonderland creations with our community.
We will of course have honorable mentions and a challenge winner, but you will be playing for the glory this month as we do not have a sponsor.
Our last regularly-scheduled challenge will be sponsored by Stampotique, who took a chance on us and sponsored our very first challenge. I like the symmetry, alpha and omega, closing the circle.
We may have challenges in the future, but they will be more spontaneously scheduled, and in the meantime we will share "Alice sightings" and miscellaneous Alice projects with you, so stay tuned!
Design Team Inspiration
We'll go in alphabetical order!
Check out Amy Bowermans's retrospective of design team projects, including:
The amazing and famous Alice dresser!
A fantastic altered copper tea kettle, love that steam!
And of course altered tea cups! Be sure to check out her post that waltzes through Amy's Wonderland, with pics of many more projects and links to the original posts. Be sure to leave a comment for Amy while you're there!
Barbara Washington of Magic Delights made a fabulous art journal spread, I love Love LOVE it!
The background is incredible. I love the energy the radiating lines and circles give to the layout.
I love the image of Alice reading under the tree, that image was new to me. Check Barbara's blog for more info!
I really love the handwritten quotes and border, it adds so much! And the mix of stamps is super, don't you think? Be sure to go to Barbara's blog and let her know in a comment!
Bonnie McLain of Love Light and Peace revisited some old favorites; a hat box and a wonderful rabbit hole mni book!
Visit Bonnie's blog to see the original post where you can see all sides, this hat box is gorgeous!
This rabbit hole book is one of my all time favorite Alice projects, I absolultely adore it!
And further down!
Still falling! Be sure to visit Bonnie's blog for more photos, and leave a comment while you are there!
Donna Mundinger of Popsicle Toes made a fabulous flip book, where each page is divided into head, torso and legs! Fun fun fun and ever so charming!
Who are you is about to be the big question as we mix it up!
And now for my favorite combo of them all:
So silly and so amusing! What fun to flip through and make your own combinations! Be sure to visit Donna and leave her a comment on this fabulous flip book!
Meme does not have a project for us this month, but she has been busy busy busy as several of her projects have been published in Stampington magazines! Be sure to stop by Meme's Art Place to see her latest creations, it is well worth the trip!
Show us your Alice! Share your love of Wonderland! You can link old favorites or new creations. Enter by next Friday and I'll comment on a few new favorites next Saturday!

I very much dislike when life, the job, and other annoyances get in the way of my creative time! I hope this post finds all well!